Mental Wellness

Changing Lives Suffering From Anxiety in Seychelles

Do you suffer from intense feelings of fear and panic? Do you find it difficult to concentrate on tasks? Do you have feelings of impending doom while others around you do not?

It is perfectly normal to feel anxious in the lead up to a big event or while under pressure performing a task. Anxiety becomes a problem when it moves from moderate to severe, frequently occurs, or lasts for prolonged periods. When this happens, the anxiety becomes a disorder and can have a debilitating effect on your life.

Sanctuary Mauritius offers a unique rehabilitation approach to treating anxiety disorders among patients of all ages and from all nationalities and cultures.
We understand Mental Wellness

Spotting the Symptoms of Anxiety

The causes of anxiety are typically a combination of genetic and environmental factors. On average, about 12% of people are affected by anxiety in a given year and about 30% of the population suffers from anxiety at some stage of their lives. Additionally, anxiety disorders can occur with or precipitate other mental disorders such as depression and substance abuse.

It is important to spot the signs of anxiety disorder and seek treatment against the anxiety before the condition deteriorates further. Symptoms of anxiety disorders include, but are not limited to:

– Rapid heart beat
– Upset stomach – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
– Dizziness
– Insomnia
– Fatigue
– Clammy skin
– Rapid breathing or holding breath
– Trembling or shaking
– Tension headaches
– Intense feelings of fear and panic
– Feelings of impending doom
– Feelings of being detached from the outside world
– Poor concentration and attention

Suffering from anxiety can be paralyzing. The constant nagging fear of failure or fear of future bad events can prevent you from leading a life in control of your own destiny. But it is entirely possible to overcome these feelings. Clinical help exists to revert this condition and put you back in control.

We understand Mental Wellness

Receive Highly Trained Professional Help to Treat Your Anxiety

By understanding the root causes of anxiety, our inpatient rehab center can produce a full recovery from the disorder, while also eliminating the internal factors that created the condition in the first place.

Our founder, Dr. Siddick, has over 35 years of experience treating patients with anxiety disorders and other stress-linked conditions. He is registered with the UK’s General Medical Council and has worked with large organizations in the international health community, including AETNA, CIGNA, VANBREDA and International SOS Assistance.

Dr. Siddick and his team of professionally licensed and certified practitioners have successfully treated hundreds of patients suffering from anxiety, whether as a disorder unto itself or co-occurring with a specific addiction. Our inpatient rehab center has an 85% success rate and we continue to produce successful graduates each week.

Communication between patient and counselor is paramount in any recovery program. Fortunately, at Sanctuary Mauritius, our specialists speak languages from all over the Middle East and Europe and can get you through our program in your native tongue.

We are a long-standing medical rehab center, certified by the Mauritian Department of Health.

Our Inpatient Anxiety Treatment Program use Proven Methods that Eliminate Anxiety

We use a 360-degree, integrated methodology in treating your specific form of anxiety. Because every patient has his own genetic package and unique life experiences, we tailor make each step of the treatment program.

You will find that over 80% of our therapies are delivered one-on-one. We take the best from Western medicine and apply these techniques in conjunction with proven, effective holistic therapies that will work to eliminate your anxiety disorder and stabilize you from future recurrences upon returning home. These include yoga, reiki, meditation, mindfulness, reflexology and acupuncture.

What is the Cost for Anxiety Treatment at Sanctuary Mauritius?

The treatment and care at our facility is second to none. We offer luxurious guest rooms, round the clock medical and guest support and a wide array of therapeutic facilities such as massage rooms, walking trails, pool and spa, and much more.

We do not cut corners or work off of a “profits first” business model. In fact, we only allow for 20 patients at time, which keeps the environment very personal, allowing you to focus entirely on your recovery from anxiety.
Drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre Mauritius

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    Wellness Sanctuary Mauritius

    Offering you the best rehab programs tailor made to your needs and expectation. Professional team with proven track record.


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      Copyright by Les Mariannes Wellness Sanctuary Mauritius 2021. All rights reserved.